

Saturday 11 March 2017

Success Story of a Young Girl as an Entrepreneur

Success Story of a Entrepreneur Young Girl
This story is of young girl who never gave up on her dreams .It’s a true story based on hard work. There was this girl Stella she belonged to a middle class family and had big dreams, anyhow Stella got her education in the best school even after being a middle class Stella’s parents worked hard day and night to manage the expenses for her education l. As year passed Stella started to know this and she started it feeling deeply that her parents skip their own wishes and desires so that somehow their daughter

can live a life of peace and not of tensions.. Stella was a sensitive girl but with big dreams to do something in this world she started to think a lot about this. But at that point she was just a girl what could she do.
                   She started to watch YouTube videos about how to start a business or earn money. At that young age of 16 a little girl wants to give comfort to her parents and she wanted to bear her own education and studies load on her little shoulders, she was unable to see her parents sacrificing their desires and paying fee for her education and for different professional courses so that she moves forward in this world. Stella was sincere to her and towards her education and her aim, but one day when she shared her idea towards her aim with a group of people in her class, they started making fun of her that you can never ever become that successful; they started dragging her down that you are such a stupid girl to dream like that for a middle class girl like you, you can never be on that level … all the giggles and fun that her school mates started to make.. They started calling her a dumb girl. It got hard for her to be in school as well and then she thought may these people are right may be I cannot do anything for my parents may be I cannot do something to make them special may be I am not capable and then she cried and now Stella just focused on getting good grades and she ignored all the people around her and now Stella usually kept quite she had no friends to support her now. And she felt disappointed and was left alone. As her dreams were crushed.
                   But one day on 14th Feb she met a boy they met in a shopping mall there that boy was playing with a shooting gun and his friends were shouting at his back you cannot hit it!!You can never hit it!! But the boy with full focus hit the target and yelled EVEN THOUGH THE WORLD SAYS YOU CAN’T IGNORE ALL OF THEM AND FOCUS ON YOUR GOAL. These words of that generous boy made Stella’s heart feel pumped up again and her dream started to shine a little but a little as she was scared to fall and to be made fun of. She left that mall and at her way home she was thinking if she can meet that motivated boy again, and take his help but then she smiled how I can meet a stranger again and she ignored all of this.. then the other day her mother said that Stella we have to go at a relative’s home get ready Stella feeling depressed replied no mum I don’t want to  go there I don’t even know them but her mother force her to go there, she got ready and went there with her mother , her mum knocked the door as soon as the door opened Stella saw that boy standing in front of her to whom she saw at the mall and she felt so happy and revealed as if she found her only way of happiness or peace her smile was flourishing herself and then the boy and Stella introduced themselves to each other the boy introduced himself as hi . My name is Sam , I am a students at SM public academy and My major is computer science and I research about  Business and stuff , I am  a football player and I live life in my own way .   Then Stella introduced herself but she did not tell him about her dreams. They laughed together and then Stella went home. Stella got motivated only seeing Sam’s passion about him dreams and studies. Stella thought why can’t be passionate like Sam and then she started to think again about her business life and something to earn. Then one day on her 17th Birthday while she was having a cake she got an idea... HEY I SHOULD LEARN TO BAKE A CAKE AND SELL IT!! This idea motivated her and then she learned to bake cakes different sort of cake from her mother because Stella’s mum was good in baking and stuff. She thought with a little earning I could invest some thing.
                   Stella learnt to bake cute and small cakes as well with icing and fudge for special occasions she took help of YouTube as well to adopt things which she didn’t know. Then she started up with her relatives and friends first she let them taste for free... she gifted a small cake to Sam as well... and once they tasted the cake they were addicted of having cakes and when they asked Stella to bake they said we’ll pay you the expense just bake for us .. And Stella started by accepting this offer that only the expenses of the cakes shall be given by the customers and her labor shall not be counted. This was her strategy to attract the customers because other bakeries were way too much expensive but subtracting the labor and counting only the expenses of the things put in the cake made the cakes of low cost for the customers and this attracted the customers more and more.. Now Stella was even famous in her school she started making cakes for her school friends as well .. and after school she used to bake a lot of cakes and at night she used to study for her next days of school her mother also helped her but she used to say My lovely daughter YOU’LL SUCCEED ONE DAY .. BUT DON’T DO SUCH HARD WORK TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH AS WELL... But Stella’s passion never listens to her mother and she continued her hard work... Day by day Stella started taking a little profit for herself as people now only used to come to her she started taking labor for her hard work... And day by day after earning a little profit Stella thought of having a lady worker at home because now the orders of the cakes increased and it was hard to be handled by Stella so she hired a worker. She was a lady and was from her neighbor her name was Lady Mac. And Stella along with Lady Mac and her mum shared the recipes with lady Mac to have help on the baking, Stella trusted Lady Mac as she was her mum’s old friend and Stella started giving her more other recipes and tricks and tips to make cake different from others .. And after 3 months Stella noticed that her orders were decreasing her customers started to go for another new bakery who had full equipment and a whole new area to sell their cakes and her sale was dropped to 10 percent from 60 percent and here the downfall occurred but Stella was still searching the main reason for such a rapid down fall of her sale because her low cost and her taste and tips and tricks for soft juicy cakes were her core competency she was shocked that why are people not taking her cakes .. Then one day she went \into that bakery and a bought a cake and when she tasted it... It was just like her cake the softness the juiciness’ everything as if her ingredients were stolen. And then her doubt turned to Lady Mac because her mother can never do so... Stella ran away to her home and fired the worker she kept asking why are you doing so but she said you can leave my home here is your pay and you can leave her mother kept saying Stella behave yourself what are you doing .. But Stella kept crying and she said leave my home Lady Mac... And lady Mac left... The other morning Stella went to that bakery and she saw Lady Mac sitting on the owner’s counter she was shocked to see her there , and then she got to know that Lady Mac is the owner’s sister here she kept it hidden so that she can steal Stella’s recipes and use it for her brother’s business .. This was the point where Stella did not know what to do now, and she thought of closing her business and shut it off for good. She was disappointed as she trusted someone and her trust and her tricks were stolen...
                   But with the same strategy she kept dreaming... She kept dreaming to show the world that on which level she was… and after this loss she picked herself again and she took lessons from a professional baker named Sir Al- Ferado who was the famous French baker who came just for lessons in Stella’s city he was an aged man but he was wealthy, Stella thought with the amount she got from the sold cakes she could brighten herself and her business as well she wanted to learn and start an all over new bakery.. For two months she did the course in highly professional way along with her studies but she used to study at night... Al- Ferado was quite impressed with the efforts of the little girl whose aims were high and whose routine was tough, two months coarse but Stella learnt it in one month with her dedication and will power towards her work... Al-Ferado was a rich baker in France seeing Stella’s will power the baker who taught her offered her a chance to build up her business he said “that Stella my dear I heard about you that a worker betrayed you and you have big dreams of moving ahead just like me. DREAMING BIG IS NOT THE SPECIALITY IN YOU STELLA, BUT THE ABALITY TO CATCH THOSE DREAMS THROUGH HARD DAY AND NIGHT WORK AND DEDICATION IS THE SPECIALITY I FIND IN YOU, WHICH ONCE WAS IN ME. So along with this certificate of professional baking I offer you an amount of finance to restart your business in a small shop which I own in this city you can have it on rent and you can return me the finance as soon as your business starts to flourish you can pay me off the debts and the rent and after a few years you can buy this shop as your own.. What say Stella dear do you agree this deal? Stella being amazed said Sir I will talk about this to my mum and I’ll think on it give me 24 hours sir.
                   Stella did not sleep that night nor did she study for her test the next morning... She kept awake with her mum thinking of it. And her mother guided her as listen to your heart Stella my love and she left the room and then Stella stood up and went to her bed and lay inside her blanket. Stella went early to school next morning and there she studied for her test and gave her test and went out of her class room she was quiet serious and she had taken a decision as well. She went to Sir Al-Ferado and she seriously
                    My Respected Sir I feel proud that I am admired by you and I feel pride that you offered me this deal but Sir I want restart my business on my own, even a single penny spent on my business should be mine once my business starts I’ll take your help with the guidance but not with the money or finance as an elder guider I’ll just need your guide and prayers that’s all sir, I am here just to tell you my decision and take away my certificate.. I am very thankful to you for your kind gesture and thought but I am a girl with my own dreams and desires and with the ability to work hard to achieve those desires, I want to fulfill my desires on my own sir with my own pride. I need you to pray for me Thanks once again and Stella leaves her institute after receiving the certificate. And she starts focusing on her finals of school and keeps the business stuff aside.
                   After four days Stella received a letter it was from Sir Al-Ferado’s assistant... When Stella opened the letter and she read it she cry alot she hugged her mother and cry... Sir Al- Ferado died… It was a hard shock for Stella...
Soon after Stella started her business with her small offerings of cakes and pastries plus she started up with sand witches and Danish pastries she had international cakes in her small shop... And a year after on her 18th birthday Stella was one of the best leading bakers and business youngest girl to be in the market, customers inspired Stella as she was of kind nature her cakes cost were nominal... Affordable for even the lowest class people of the city. She communicated her customers herself to know the feed backs and this time Stella had her control and observation on the employs she was kind but she hated trust breaking so she was careful this time, Stella an 18 year old girl was prominent in the business market because of her hard work, skill, dedication and adherence.
                   The story does not end here.. The letter which Stella received an year ago se took it out again and went to the grave yard on Al-Ferado’s grave and set on it and she cry there for hours and thanked him for teaching so much and all because of him she has all she wanted.. She read the letter out loud on his grave.
Dear Stella,
            My loving daughter like student, I love you regardless just like my own daughter, I wanted to tell this in my life but you and your pride was so strong I could not break it. I had a daughter just of your age just as willing and hard working like you but she died at your age in a car accident and I lost  my daughter that day after two years of my daughter’s death, My wife had an heart attack and she died too with the grudge of a dead daughter , since then every person I met was greedy for my money, Many women wanted to marry me for my money and wealth but I rejected them and decide to live my life alone as  a baker and then I came to your city for my blood cancer treatment but here as well I wanted to spread my teachings so I asked an institute for two months teaching classes of baking .
            And there I saw you... You resembled my daughter so much that tears came in to my eyes I followed you but you had your very own family. Then the other day I saw your work and your dedication towards your work just like my daughter you were very ambitious towards your goals and your hard work was entitled with purity, honesty, respect and pride. Last month my doctors gave me an answer that I have at least 15 days to survive or at most 1 month only, they said I should call my lawyers.. But for whom would I call them all this tough work would just fade away after my death because I don’t have anyone to trust  everyone is greedy for money I had no one to trust and to have faith in except you my girl.. I had no one to hand over my work of years which I did all by myself.. So I am choosing you as my business’s successor... I have signed all the documents on your name and on your family’s name, Stella my dear work hard and be honest as you are now I trust only you. I know one day you’ll take my bakery on another high-level and you’ll be a very kind and nice and intelligent grown up my dear child. Always work hard because without hard work even an empire can drown away and fade into ashes... Keep working hard because only hard work can give you fruits.
Your Dear Teacher,

Al-Ferado Johnson.

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