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Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. |
Never Lose Hope: Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. This is the famous saying of the former CEO of Apple.inc, namely Steve Jobs. You know what Steve jobs was got fired from Apple, the person got fired from the firm who takes firm to the high level by inventing the apple Macintosh which changes the whole world. Steve jobs after getting fired was very upset very angry because he never taught that this can be happened to him but he never loses hope and started his own another firm. Jobs founded NeXT Inc. in 1985 after his resignation from Apple with $7 million. A year later he was running out of money, and with no product on the horizon, he sought venture capital. Eventually, Jobs attracted the attention of billionaire Ross Perot who invested heavily in the company. The NeXT computer was shown to the world at what was considered Jobs's comeback event, a lavish (invitation only) gala launch event and was described as a multimedia extravaganza. In 1986, Jobs funded the spinout of The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar) from Lucasfilm's computer graphics division for the price of $10 million, $5 million of which was given to the company as capital and $5 million of which was paid to Lucasfilm for technology rights. The first film produced by Pixar with its Disney partnership, Toy Story (1995), with Jobs credited as executive producer, brought fame and critical acclaim to the studio when it was released. After sometime Jobs returned to Apple and become the CEO of Apple which is his one of the greatest achievement of all time. Now here the lesson is Jobs didn't regret to his life in fact he keep him self moving toward success in which he succeeded, he may had loss some vital things but his passion from his work didn't go down instead it was increasing day by day, he never losses hope even life got hit from the brick but he never losses hope.
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