

Wednesday 30 November 2016

A Success, Motivational And Inspirational Story Of A Toy Shopkeeper

Success story of a toy shop keeper who becomes millionaire.

THE BUSINESS IDEA: The men was confused about the business ideas suddenly one day his little sister got fever the men took his sister to doctor to have a check up, when he reached at clinic to have a checkup for his sister there was a huge line of patients there was too much noises too much crowd out their who where waiting for their number to have a checkup. The men also took his number and sits on the bench along with his sister after half an hour his sister started to cry because she was ill and secondly she was fade up because of the crowd noises and the atmosphere, she started crying and the men started to settle down his sister but he was failed her sister was not agree to stop crying and says that brother we should leave i don't wanted to stay here but the checkup was pretty necessary for her. When the men's sister was insisting her there was another man who was watching all the things and observing them that another man was actually there to have a checkup because he was himself caught by fever, the another man was watching them then suddenly he came forward to that men and his sister and shows his sister a toy, that toy was a soft toy it was a teddy bear and suddenly that ill little girl stopped crying after watching that toy and becomes happy and started to play with it and forgets about her illness, she instantly took the teddy bear from that another man that man was basically sales soft toys on to the streets, when the men's sister took the teddy the sales man asks to the men for money the men replied to another man that "what is the cost of this bear?" the another man replied, "only $10 sir!" the men gives $10 to that sales man and then their number finally comes they had a checkup and went for their home. When the men reached at his home he took hot water shower, while taking the shower suddenly his mind's light below and he ask a question himself that "in that clinic there were many many people the people were at least 200 in numbers and mostly the patients were small children who were crying because of the waiting, if his sister can stop crying because of the teddy bear why the children were not stopped crying if they have a toy like that?" he answers himself "The children and the parents will become happy as well because the child have a toy to play and parent will be happy to buy a toy for their kids at least they will stopped crying." Now after getting this idea he quickly finishes the shower and went  to the government sectors who gives load to the citizens for their personal business he went to an agency of government after taking the information about the load and paying polices he after some days applies for load, and he got approved by the government for load then he went to that clinic area and buys a shop near the clinic. It was a small shop but a cute one. Because of this huge achievement his mind was totally directed towards the business and started to think line an entrepreneur's mind, He thought that he should first analyze that what kind of toys children likes the most so he went to an another area and there was a huge toy shop he took donuts and a cup of coffee sits near the toy shop and started to observe that what kind of toys children like the most or what are those toys who are mostly purchased by the buyers.  After analyzing he came to know that children likes mostly soft toys and those toys to which there ads or cartoon comes on to the t.v, so he purchases these toys and put them into his toy shop, he named his toy shop "Kids In" and put an interesting tag line which was "Tired of child's crying? come here buy a toy and give yourself comfort" that tag line literally attracted the parents and when the men started the toy shop the consumers were coming in a large numbers along with their kid, almost around 20 to 30 buyers were coming in that shop and purchasing the toys for their kids. The men's was running his business very successfully and in some short time of period he pays his loan which he got from the government load issuing agency. The business was running very successfully and the men was earning quite a handsome amount of money his family's condition was also started to get better day by day and those who demotivates him were started praised him. Sometime later he thought that he should increase his sales by attracting more customers so he planned a strategy that, he started to give a balloons packet for free to those customers who buys something from his shop and on that balloons his shop's logo was printed, so because of this strategy he was able to attract more customers and the customers were also started to increase after some more time he expands his shop and includes more variety in toys also still he was generating handsome amount of income, then he started his online website of toys selling while hiring a website a manager who looks the orders of the customers over the internet and delivers them on to their addresses. The men's shop doing great business as he started two more shops in different areas of his city started to make more and more money, after some more time he becomes millionaire his name was also nominated for rising entrepreneurs award, he got this award too and lives his rest of the life happily along with his family.

Moral: Life gives you strange experiences, sometime you will face very worse days but when you uses your mind you will able to change your destiny because the human mind is much powerful that we can't assume we just need to put it on to the right direction to get the great ideas, you don't need to be educated from a higher educational sector without any degree you can become millionaire or successful, never lose hope, believe in yourself, appreciate those who helps you, create a burning desire which motivates you all the time to go forward, think different, be positive, observe your surroundings, use your mind you will get the ideas, don't be constant in life try to flow like an ocean just keep moving, make yourself better, think about the solutions and possibilities, make the things easier in your life not complicated and last but not the least never give up even in the worse days and  be patient.

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